Whitefield Champions 2014!!
We entered 2 teams again into the Whitefield outdoor tournament in Bath. This year we had to battle the elements even more than normal. Torrential thunder storms that started from midnight on the Friday was slightly ominous!
Saturday started a little brighter but by 9am the thunderstorms began again. We were told there was a 2 hour window into which we were going to try to fit all of Saturday's games into. Well, we managed it however I think the window had a leak as we were playing through the thunderstorms at times which made things interesting! Both teams did really well and won their respective pools on the first day.
Sunday in contrast was hot! We all played some tough games but one of the teams managed to bring home the win in Mixed Division 4!! Congratulations. Everyone played really well especially as we were blooding some players in each team who had never played a competitive game before.
A great way to end the season after our 2nd place in the league!! And of course who can forget the legendary Whitefield disco ;)